Tuesday, March 25, 2014


A wise person is hungry for knowledge while the fool feeds on trash.

Proverbs 15:14


A glad heart makes a happy face . A broken heart crushes the spirit. Proverbs 15:13

Monday, March 24, 2014

Im married now!

God is good. I got married march 12th 2014. Enjoying the every moments of my life, now shared with my Husband.

Love always,

Monday, March 10, 2014

A blah moment!!3/8/10 I love me some me!!! and I love you even more for loving me so much!
Me and my Many Moods!!! A woman's prerogative.
headed to work this morning, trust and believe, I did not feel up to it this Monday morning, But I made it. and actually afta I get my day started, It all gets better!!! The lord above, You are my everything! I love you too!
This is a picture of me right before church yesterday!!! A very blessed service indeed.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Kisses!! I thought this picture was rather cute!! Now this is a BIG! Kiss.
Amazing how serious she can be and look when she feels threatened. You notice MY back up? she watches my back, and keeps them at a distance.( a mirror reflection of.) Yes, this is a picture of  Me,love you,
This is me in a wedding dress I tried on months ago. A very old, kinda of out of date dress, but I loved it and the fit!! , I actually found it a thrift store, and No, unfortunately I didn't buy it.

I know it has been awhile, but  I have been kinda busy. Yes things are good, And how are you? fine I hope. Nope I still don't have a computer yet, I have been using my android phone for most of my blogging and emails. you know with the wifi and all. We will have a few days off in a couple of weeks, for spring break. I may be out of town for a few days then, Not sure yet. Yes we have set a date for this month, The time is a bit different, late evening. I want a evening/night wedding. yea for me, well for us I guess I should say. He didn't come to work today, took a day off to catch up on some much needed rest. I can say he picked a good day to do that, because it has been raining here all day. Kinda cool too, and I didn't bring a jacket. darn it. Me and him , we have a meeting  this Saturday with the pastor. kinda I gues you could say a pre marital counsel. This is a good idea. I think will be kinda interesting. So yea, I will tell how that goes sometime next week. Keep us in your prayers. I love you much, and feel free to ask me anything you would like in comment section down below.

Love Always,

P.S. here are a few recent photos of me with the twists/braids,

that I will wearing for the next couple of months.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Me, headed to work on this very Blessed and appreciated Day! Love You!!!