Thursday, June 27, 2013


It's me and it is rather late, but I felt the need to at least say goodnight. right now it is about 11;30pm, so basically i'm laying in bed watching the news and what ever else I choose to change my channel to. so, How was your day? Mine I can say was pretty good, got off work, came home and ate an early dinner, did a video, and fell asleep in well deserved nap. I guess I woke up at about 6 or 7 I think. I then went for my long evening walk in our neighborhood. a beautiful evening it was. I actually saw a small gator on the trail, interesting!! When I got home, I found the house empty, my son and his friends had gone out for the evening and my mom was still at church, so I had the house to myself. Quiet it was, but not lonesome. showered my Love with gracness of soap and water and my touch, if you don't understand that. All I did was actually take a shower, i'm kinda trying to sound like a poet of some damn sort, lol!! anyway. that is how it went. o, I can't forget my peach snapps and OJ. a relaxing sweet drink of the evening, which we all know them as fuzzy navels. that will do it for this short entry. unitl tomorrow, muah,muah!!!

I'm going to lay it down for the night, relax and watch me some tv. love you and remember the lord does as well. Blessings good people.


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