Monday, July 15, 2013

Hey u,

yep it's me. just saying hello, i know it has been awhile, but i still haven't got my tablet working just yet.  So right now i am at work sending you some LOVE. I did do a small yard sale this weekend. I had everything priced for a dollar or less. i know it seems kinda cheap, but look at it this way, really i'm just going to basically end up giving or donating most of the things that i don't sale. So why not try to make some kinda of extra income that way. kinda like working from home, and yep that is what i did. Worked from home:) I plan on doing another one this weekend as well, if  the weather permits.

So how was your weekend? I hope everyone is healthy and doing well. I didn't have to much drama this week with kids, my son was actually a bit more understanding. o yea, what did you think of the Zimmerman verdict? i'm like, "yea right ok" whateva!. all i can say was, not that much actually, well because i didn't see that much of the trail, so i really don't have alot to comment on about it. I do feel really dissapointed in the system, but it was the jurors decision. But really  i do believe some evidence kept out, should have been shown and spoken about, and the lawyers could have asked some better damn questions, but anyway life goes on, i pray that he, Trevon is resting in peace with a smiling spirit.

well i'll in be touch soon, gonna go do some editing and watch some small clips.
so ya'll be blessed and remember tell you and someone else how much and love, and if not love em, like them. It helps!!

i love being able to chat with you, and i love you for taking time to read about a small part of my day, Thank you and Much Love Baby:)


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